About Herbs that Grow in Zone 3

The key to growing herbs in zone 3 is in the selection; choose appropriate zone 3 herb plants and plan to grow tender herbs, such as tarragon, as an annual or grow them in pots that can be moved indoors during the winter. Start perennial plants from seedlings in the early summer. Start annuals from seed in the early summer or sow them in a cold frame in the fall. Seedlings will then emerge in the spring and can then be thinned and transplanted into the garden. Protect delicate herbs, such as basil and dill, from winds by planting them in a sheltered area of the garden or in containers that can move around depending upon weather conditions. Finding herbs that grow in zone 3 may take a little experimentation. Within zone 3 there is a multitude of microclimates, so just because an herb is labeled suitable to zone 3 doesn’t necessarily mean it will thrive in your backyard. Conversely, herbs that are labeled suitable for zone 5 might do well in your landscape depending upon weather conditions, soil type, and the amount of protection provided to the herb – mulching around the herbs can help protect and save them through the winter.

List of Zone 3 Herb Plants

Very cold hardy herbs (hardy to USDA zone 2) include hyssop, juniper, and Turkestan rose. Other herbs for cold climates in zone 3 include:

Agrimony Caraway Catnip Chamomile Chives Garlic Hops Horseradish Peppermint Spearmint Parsley Dog rose Garden sorrel

Other herbs suited to zone 3 if grown as annuals are:

Basil Chervil Cress Fennel Fenugreek Marjoram Mustard Nasturtiums Greek oregano Marigolds Rosemary Summer savory Sage French tarragon English thyme

Marjoram, oregano, rosemary, and thyme can all be overwintered indoors. Some annual herbs will even reseed themselves, such as:

Flat leaved parsley Pot marigold Dill Coriander False chamomile Borage

Other herbs that, although labeled for warmer zones, may survive colder climates if in well-draining soil and protected with winter mulch include lovage and lemon balm.

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