What is Bush Morning Glory?

The bush morning glory plant (Convolvulus cneorum) is a beautiful, silvery foliaged shrub that comes from the Mediterranean region of Europe. It has a neat, dense round shape and grows 2 to 4 foot tall by 2 to 4 foot wide (61 cm. to 1 m.). This evergreen plant is also quite hardy, but it can be damaged by temperatures below 15 degrees F. (-9 C.). Its funnel-shaped, showy, 3 inch (8 cm.) flowers are white with a pink tint. Bees and other nectar loving critters are drawn to these flowers. The bush morning glory plant is drought tolerant, although it does need some additional water in the desert. It requires very good drainage and lean soil, as it is susceptible to root rot and other fungal diseases. Fertilizing and overwatering this plant leads to feeble, floppy stems. The bush morning glory performs best in the sun. It can also survive in shady conditions but will form a looser, sprawling shape and its flowers will only partially open. The bush morning glory is not weedy, so it won’t take over your garden like some other morning glories. It is fairly deer resistant and is only occasionally bothered by deer.

Tips for Growing Bush Morning Glory Plants

Bush morning glory care is simple and straightforward. Plant it in full sun. If your garden has poor drainage where you want to install the bush morning glory, plant it on a mound or slightly raised area. Do not amend the planting hole with rich compost or other heavy amendments. Do not fertilize. Water this plant with drip irrigation and avoid overhead sprayers. Do not overwater. Since the bush morning glory plant typically holds its symmetrical form, you don’t have to prune it much. To refresh this plant, cut its foliage way back every two to three years. This is best done in fall or winter. If you are growing bush morning glory in a shady spot, you may need to cut it back more often, as it can get leggy. Provide frost protection in the winter if your temperatures drop below 15 degrees F. (-9 C.). As you can see, growing bush morning glory is simple as long as you provide it with the right conditions. The bush morning glory plant is truly a low maintenance plant. With so much beauty and so little care, why not install several of them in your garden this next growing season?

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