What is a Bashful Graptoveria?

Some of the cutest succulents are the Echeveria. Their offspring, Graptoveria, is a cross between Echeveria and Graptopetalum, two outstanding succulents. Graptoveria ‘Bashful’ is just as delightful with its blushing appeal. Try growing Bashful Graptoveria in combination with other succulents for a vacation-friendly blend of interesting houseplants. Succulents are the darlings of lazy houseplant gardeners. They need minimum care and suffer slight neglect with patience and grace. The Bashful succulent has no stem and forms rosettes right on the surface of the soil. Rosettes grow up to 3 inches (8 cm.) across, with thickly rounded leaves. The leaves are a light mint green when new but turn bright pink as they mature. The color is best in full sun, which is what Graptoveria plants prefer, although they can survive in partial shade. Another name for this bashful succulent is Rosy Cheeks, a nod to the fact that the color is pinkest when temperatures are slightly cool.

Growing Bashful Graptoveria

These plants are easy to multiply for free by separating away rosettes or by leaf cuttings. Let cuttings callus over for a week before inserting the cut end into pre-moistened soilless media to grow roots. Graptoveria yields the brightest pink tones in cooler temperatures, but temps below 36 degrees Fahrenheit (2 C.) can severely damage the plant. In frost-free climates, it may remain outdoors for winter with some protection but northern gardeners should grow them in a pot and bring them inside before frosts. Use a well-draining soil mixture for container-grown plants. If planting in the ground, amend the soil with sand or other grit to increase percolation. Place plants where they receive full sun for best-blushed tones. Succulents rarely need fertilizing, but if you wish, you can use a formula made for those types of plants in early spring. Water deeply, but infrequently, and halve watering in winter. Container-grown plants prefer to be crowded and should be repotted every three years to freshen the soil but only need the container size increased when they are spilling out of the pot. With very little care, you should see some rosy, pink flowers in early to midsummer that just add to the charm of Graptoveria ‘Bashful’ succulents.

What Is A Bashful Graptoveria  Bashful Succulent Care And Growing Requirements - 99