Tips for Starting a Gardening Blog

So, you want to start your own blog about gardening but aren’t quite sure where to begin? The following tips should help:

Start with your passion

Does your mouth water at the thought of picking tomatoes still warm from the sun? Does a bright orange pumpkin peeking out from lush rows of squash make you catch your breath? Does your heart beat faster for flowers planted in a certain color scheme, like that of a rainbow pattern? Is your eye soothed by the order of an English garden? Blog about gardening that excites you, and you will find that others will take hold of your excitement and will want to read more. Be consistent. It’s easy to make a gardening blog, but hard to keep the momentum. Challenge yourself to blog about gardening once a week. Just start by sharing the things you love.

Include great pictures

Many successful writers who blog about gardening entice their readers with photos. Pictures that are crisp and clear are attention grabbers and make blog posts interesting. Photos included in your blog convey information in a quick, concise manner. It will take a little time, but starting a gardening blog will be more successful if it includes eye-pleasing images. Take lots of pictures but include only the best. Pictures tell a story and you want your images to attract others to your gardening blog.

Find your voice

One of the biggest obstacles about starting a gardening blog is being real. Make your blog about gardening unique and transparent. Don’t be afraid to write about your failures as well as your successes. Don’t try and present yourself as something different than who you are. The very nature of starting a gardening blog is about making mistakes. Be genuine. This is your blog, so give it your spin, your truth. Make sure your blog has the proper grammar as well. You don’t want your audience to be distracted from your gardening content by exhibiting poor grammar. Starting a gardening blog is not much different than talking to friends about how you love your life. Share your gardening passion with a clear, thoughtful voice through great pictures and true stories, and you will be rewarded with readers who wait by the computer for your next post!

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