What Should Annual Ryegrass Be Used For?

There are many benefits to planting ryegrass cover crops. Planting annual ryegrass provides erosion control, increases percolation, reduces compaction and acts as a nurse crop for fall legumes. The question, what should annual ryegrass be used for, goes beyond soil improvement. The plant is also useful to reduce splashing on young plants and minimize disease in tightly planted spaces. Over seeding the grass into commercial crops will prevent competitive weeds and increase fertility when hoed into the earth. This versatile plant is easy to grow and promotes healthy soil and plants.

When to Plant Annual Ryegrass

You can plant annual ryegrass in fall or spring. The plant will set seed more quickly if sown in fall, so care must be taken to mow before the plant blooms. To use the plant as a winter annual, seed during fall in USDA growing zone 6 or warmer; and in zone 5 or colder, seed in midsummer to early fall. If the ryegrass is used as amendment for fall crops, then seed in early spring. For a nursery crop, sow several weeks before seeding the main crop. Ryegrass cover crops sown in fall are tilled in early in spring to enrich the soil.

Tips for Planting Annual Ryegrass

Ryegrass germinates in warm or cool soils. You should till the soil and rake it free of debris and rocks. Make sure there are no clods and the soil is well drained. Broadcast the seeds at a rate of 20 pounds (9 kg.) per acre. You can also mix ryegrass seeds with legumes. Water the area if sown prior to spring rains; otherwise, the first few good showers will ensure germination. There’s no need for annual ryegrass care in winter. The grass isn’t actively growing, and in most zones a covering of snow will cocoon and protect the plant. When temperatures warm up, the grass will begin to grow anew.

Annual Ryegrass Care in Spring

In spring, mow the grass for best appearance. The plant is unharmed by consistent mowing as long as stubble is left 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to10 cm.) long. The plant will re-seed itself in zones above 5. The plant has few disease issues, but rust may become a problem. There are rust resistant varieties that will reduce the chance of the fungus appearing in your crop. For heavily grazed areas, broadcast successive sowings spaced two weeks apart. If you accidentally let ryegrass cover crops go to seed, use a recommended specific herbicide. Your county extension service can refer you to the appropriate formulation and method of application.

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