What Is Branch Flagging Information On Flagging Damage To Trees

What is Branch Flagging? The condition called tree branch flagging occurs when a tree’s branches turn brown, wilt, or die. Usually, the branches are not all grouped together. Rather, you may see them scattered around the tree’s crown. Flagging in trees can be due to cicada insects. The females use a sharp appendage on their abdomens to break open the bark of small, new tree branches to deposit eggs. The damaged young branches can then break off in the wind and fall to the ground....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 331 words · David Chrostowski

What Is Camellia Leaf Gall How To Treat Galls On Camellia Leaves

What is Camellia Leaf Gall? Camellias are proven winners with cool season blooms and glossy green leaves. The plants are relatively hardy and retain their vigor even in harsh conditions. Camellia leaf gall disease doesn’t really affect the plant’s vitality, but it will depreciate the beauty of the leaves and can reduce blooms. Fortunately, leaf gall on camellias is easy to treat as long as you learn the life cycle of the fungus and follow a few rules....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 410 words · Robert Rhine

What Is Cochineal Scale Learn About Cochineal Scale Treatment

What is Cochineal Scale? Cochineal scale (Dactylopious spp.) bugs are commonly found on cacti of the Opuntia genera of cacti. It is an insect native to the New World, which was used by the Aztecs for dying and painting. Spanish conquistadors took dried cochineal scale powder back to their homeland where it became a sought-after red dye until the 1850s. Cochineal dye was replaced in popularity by aniline dyes but is still commercially produced in Mexico and India where it is still used to color food, drinks, cosmetics, and paints....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 417 words · Catherine Tunson

What Is Peach Texas Mosaic Virus Symptoms Of Mosaic Virus On Peaches

About Mosaic Virus on Peaches Peach trees can develop numerous diseases. Peach Texas mosaic virus stems from a vector, Eriophyes insidiosus, a tiny mite. It can also occur during grafting where infected plant material is used as either the scion or the rootstock. The symptoms are fairly obvious once you know what signs to watch for, but once a tree has the disease there are no current treatments. The two types of peach mosaic virus are hairy break and plum....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 388 words · Orlando Riley

What Is Quince Fruit Learn About Growing Quince Trees

Interest in the fruit has revived somewhat thanks to improved varieties that can be eaten fresh, but quinces are such a minor player in the agricultural economy that the U.S. Department of Agriculture doesn’t track them. For those that are interesting in growing quince, however, it helps to know more about good quince care to get the most from your plant. What is Quince Fruit? Quince is a very fragrant yellow fruit used to make jams and jellies....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 363 words · Lloyd Kennedy

Winter Care Of Hardy Kiwi Does Hardy Kiwi Require Overwintering

Kiwi Winter Care Before we discuss winter care of hardy kiwi, a little information on the fruit is in order. Although related to the kiwis we purchase at the supermarket, the fruit of A. arguta and A. kolomikta are much smaller with smooth skin. Most varietals have male and female flowers born on different plants, thus you will need both a male and female, in a 1:6 ratio of males to females....

December 15, 2022 · 2 min · 402 words · Pat Thurman

Ambrosia Beetle Control How To Avoid Granulate Ambrosia Beetle Damage

Granulate ambrosia beetle damage comes from the tunneling activities of the female insect and the ambrosia fungus that she introduces into the wood. So what are ambrosia beetles and how can you prevent them? Keep reading to learn more about ambrosia beetle control. What are Granulate Ambrosia Beetles? Granulate ambrosia beetles were introduced into the Southeastern United States from Asia. Although it is still primarily a southeastern pest, the beetle is spreading into other areas....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 385 words · Vickie Schmitz

Angelonia Flowers Tips For Growing Angelonia Summer Snapdragons

About Angelonia Flowers An Angelonia plant grows about 18 inches (45.5 cm.) tall, and some people think the fragrant foliage smells like apples. The flowers bloom on upright spikes at the tips of the main stems. Species flowers are bluish-purple and cultivars are available in white, blue, light pink, and bicolor. Angelonia flowers don’t need deadheading to produce a continuous display of blossoms. Use Angelonia as an annual bedding plant in borders or plant them in masses where they make a striking display....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 351 words · Carol Chastain

Apricot Nematode Treatment Dealing With Root Knot Nematodes Of Apricot Trees

Apricots with Root Knot Nematodes Root knot nematodes of apricot penetrate roots with a sharp, spear-like mouth part and suck out the contents. When one cell has been depleted, the nematodes move on to new cells. Apricot nematode problems are often compounded because the damage caused by the nematodes creates an easy entry for many types of bacteria and fungi. Root knot nematodes of apricot aren’t visible above soil level, but when the pests feed on the roots, symptoms may show up as stunted growth, wilting, pale leaves, or twig dieback....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 353 words · Emma Singleton

Autumn Crisp Apple Care Learn About Growing Autumn Crisp Apple Trees

Autumn Crisp Tree Info Autumn Crisp apple trees are the result of the cross between ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Monroe’ apple varieties. First introduced by Cornell University, this extremely crisp variety of apple is rich in Vitamin C. In addition to these attributes, Autumn Crisp apple trees produce high yields that are excellent for fresh eating. When compared to other cultivars, these apples demonstrate slower oxidation and browning when cut into slices....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 325 words · Clinton Cohen

Best Herbs For Bouquets How To Create A Bouquet Of Herbs

How to Make an Herbal Bouquet When making an herb bundle bouquet, the first step is the careful selection of fragrant plants. In the Victorian era, plants were chosen for the special meanings they conveyed. Nowadays, herbs for bouquets are often picked for the fragrances they impart or for their physical beauty. A bouquet of herbs can also be theme based. Adherence to the theme often influences the selection of herbs for bouquets....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 340 words · Jerome Varillas

Best Houseplant Gifts Tips For Indoor Plant Sharing With Others

Potted Plant Gifts When it comes to indoor plant sharing, not all potted plant gifts are the same. Unless you’re buying for someone you know has a green thumb, it’s a good idea to keep things simple. The best plants to give as gifts are beautiful yet easy to take care of. So what are good plants to give as gifts? Here’s a list of some of the best houseplant gifts with a high aesthetic payoff for low maintenance requirements....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 377 words · Harry Swanger

Black Houseplants For Moody Indoor Gardens

About Black Foliage Plants Of course, most plants are green because of the chlorophyll that allows them to photosynthesize. Plants with black leaves aren’t truly black and still have chlorophyll. Why some plants develop this coloration isn’t well understood, but it might confer some kind of protection in certain environments. For plant enthusiasts, what matters is the unique look of these black-leaved varieties. Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Dowon’ This variety of Z. zamiifolia is a striking black beauty that is also known as the black ‘Raven’ ZZ plant....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 393 words · Ricardo Zigmond

Can Philodendron Plants Grow Outdoors Caring For Your Philodendron Outside

While they have a reputation as great easy-to-grow houseplants, can philodendron plants grow outdoors? Why yes, they can! So, let’s learn more about how to care for philodendrons outside! Outdoor Philodendron Care When learning how to care for philodendrons, it is best to consider the growing criteria for your specific variety; however, this article can help provide you with a general overview of outdoor philodendron care. The first question you should ask is, “In my region, can philodendron plants grow outdoors?...

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 389 words · Edwin Grimsley

Can You Move A Mountain Laurel Tips For Transplanting A Mountain Laurel Shrub

Moving Mountain Laurels Mountain laurel, also known as calico bush or ivy-bush, makes a beautiful addition to the understory of a woodland garden or other partially shaded location. If you happen to have one in a sunny area, it likely will not survive and it’s time to move the mountain laurel. Mountain laurels are hardy to USDA zones 5-9. Like other evergreens, mountain laurels should be transplanted in the fall, from late August through late October (or late February to May in Southern Hemisphere)....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 362 words · Tony Meadors

Care For Moonflowers How To Grow A Moonflower Vine

Moonflower plants (Ipomoea alba) are perennial vines in sub-tropical areas, but gardeners with cold winters can successfully grow moonflower plants as annuals. A member of the Ipomea family, moonflower plants are related to the sweet potato vine and the morning glory, with flowers that open in the late afternoon. Large, heart-shaped leaves further enhance the attractive moonflower vine. How to Grow a Moonflower Vine Moonflowers in the garden do not need much ground space, as they readily climb upward....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 395 words · Rachel Walsh

Caring For And Harvesting Nettle Greens How To Grow Stinging Nettle Greens

How to Grow Stinging Nettle Greens Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are one of more than 50 varieties of nettle plants worldwide. A distant mint relative, stinging nettles are equally invasive and need to be sternly managed. Stinging nettles are an herbaceous, fast growing plant with leaves as well as stems, which are covered with tiny, hollow, silica tipped hairs and can grow to about 4 feet (1 m.) tall. They developed the stinging hairs to discourage animals from feeding on them....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 399 words · Edward King

Choosing Desert Tomatoes Popular Varieties Of Drought Tolerant Tomatoes

Choosing Tomatoes for Hot, Dry Climates Tomatoes for hot, arid climates are sturdy enough to withstand wind, and they are disease resistant, as certain diseases spread quickly in hot climates. Desert tomatoes flower early so they can be harvested before summer temperatures reach their peak. Small tomatoes, which ripen sooner, are generally better tomatoes for arid climates. When choosing desert tomatoes, look for hints in the name of the plant, such as with Heat Master or Solar Fire....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 296 words · Gerry Baker

Common Ginger Plant Diseases How To Treat Ginger Diseases In The Garden

Diseases of Ginger Treating sick ginger plants starts with a proper identification of the pathogen involved. Ginger doesn’t have a lot of common problems, so that makes it a little easier to get a grip on any issue you may have. That being said, here are some diseases of ginger you’re likely to encounter in the garden: Bacterial Wilt. Caused by a bacterium that enters the vascular tissue of ginger plants and multiplies until the shoots and leaves are unable to get enough water and nutrients to survive, bacterial wilt is evident by signs of water stress despite adequate watering and leaves yellowing from bottom to top....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 402 words · Tonia Anderson

Compact Viburnum Plants Growing Dwarf Types Of Viburnum In The Garden

If this is your situation, help is on the way as new dwarf viburnum varieties have developed. These compact viburnum plants offer the same multi-season pleasure, but in a smaller size. Read on for information about small viburnum shrubs. Dwarf Types of Viburnum If you are a gardener with a smaller yard, you won’t be able to plant the Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii), the shade tolerant shrub with intoxicatingly fragrant spring flowers....

December 14, 2022 · 2 min · 368 words · Susan Roupe