Spider Mum Facts

To those researching chrysanthemums for the first time, understanding the specifics of spider mum care and growth may be somewhat confusing. While bedding type chrysanthemums are extremely popular, spider mum flowers are quite different. Most wish to learn how to grow spider mums due to their use in cut flower arrangements. With an exceptional vase life, gardeners are able to create dazzling displays of these large flowers.  Spider mum flowers get their name from their unique form. Rather than producing blooms which are reminiscent of daisies, the blooms consist of petals that are long and tube-shaped. Often curling slightly at the tips, each petal appears as if it is suspended from the flower. Impressive, elegant flowers are celebrated for their range of color, as well as their ability to garner attention in landscapes.

How to Grow Spider Mums

Those wishing to learn how to grow spider mums will first need to obtain plants. Though spider mum seeds can be found online, it is important to note that these seeds are unlikely to produce plants which grow true to type. It is for this reason that plants are best obtained by purchasing rooted cuttings from a reputable source. This will help to ensure that growers receive the desired cultivar.  Gardeners will also need to pay close attention to spider mum care throughout the growing season. Since the plants generally bloom in fall, growers will have the best chance of success where the frost free season is long. Those growing spider mums with shorter seasons may need to implement season extension techniques, such as row covers or frost blankets to ensure successful bloom.  Essential spider mum facts related to planting include its need for direct sun and a site with well-draining soil. Once the plants have become established, growers suggest pinching the plant to promote bushier growth. If gardeners desire the production of larger flowers, for cutting or exhibition, frequent disbudding may be needed throughout the season. Plants are likely to require staking, as some varieties can grow to be quite tall. 

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