Help, My Seed Packets Got Wet!

First of all, don’t panic. Take a “glass is half full” approach and stay positive. You may, indeed, be able to save wet seed packets. Perhaps, only the seed packet is wet. Open it and check the seeds. If they are still dry, repackage them in a dry bag or jar, seal and re-label them. What to do with wet seed packets depends on WHEN the seed packets get wet. If it is the right time of year for planting and you were going to do so anyway, no problem. After all, the seeds need to get wet to germinate, right? So the answer to the question “can I plant seeds that got wet” in this case is yes. Just plant the seeds right away. If, on the other hand, you have been collecting seeds for later harvest and it’s the dead of winter, things may get a little dicey. Also, if the seeds have gotten wet and have been for some time (and you have just discovered this), you may have a problem. Open the packets and check the seeds for any sign of mildew. If they are molding, they aren’t viable and should be tossed.

How to Save Wet Seeds

If, however, you have discovered the wet packets promptly but it isn’t the right time to plant them, you can try to dry them out. This is risky, but gardening is inherent with experimentation, so I say go for it. Lay them out on dry paper towels to dry. Once the seeds are dry, label them, indicating the incident so when you go to use them, you won’t be surprised if they don’t germinate. At this juncture, you might want to come up with an alternative plan such as getting a second batch of seeds to start as back-ups or resorting to buying nursery starts. The nature of seeds is that once they are given moisture, they begin to germinate. So it is possible that the process has already started and there’s no turning back. Lastly, when in doubt, try a germination test. If the previously wet seeds are dry now, select 8-10 and place them between damp paper towels. Put the damp towels and seeds into a plastic bag. Check the seeds in a week to see if they have sprouted. If so, they are okay and all is well. If not, alternate plan, as it’s time to replace the seeds. Oh, and next time, store your seeds in an area where they can’t get wet!

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