Flame Violet Plant Info

There are several cultivars of the flame violet plant. Many trail down the sides of hanging baskets. North and South American natives, foliage of Episcia flame violet houseplants is green to bronze, red, or even chocolate. Oval shaped leaves may have silvery edges, veins, or margins. Their habit is low-growing, and they flower in colors of red, pink, orange, yellow, lavender, or white throughout the year.

Episcia Flame Violet Care

Plant the flame violet plant in well-draining soil and place it where humidity is high. The velvety leaves of Episcia flame violet houseplants do not take well to misting or any contact with water. Instead, provide humidity with a pebble tray, a small decorative fountain, or a humidifier in the area. As with most houseplants, indoor humidity is a challenge in winter, but high humidity greatly improves plant appearance when growing flame violets.

Watering Flame Violet Plant

Soil of the flame violet plant should remain moist. Bottom watering is a means of making sure the roots get necessary moisture without the chance of damaging the delicate leaves. Fill the plant saucer with water, then add the potted flame violet plant. Keep the plant in the water filled saucer until all water is absorbed or 30 minutes. If water remains, pour it out. If the water is absorbed quickly, try adding a little more, but don’t exceed the 30 minute limit. Water this way once a month in combination with top watering. Use warm to lukewarm water, not cold, when watering this plant.

Blooms of Episcia Flame Violet Houseplants

The right lighting encourages blooms on the flame violet. Keep this plant in bright, indirect light for at least eight hours a day. Avoid direct sunlight. Fluorescent lighting can also be used. When growing this houseplant for blooms under fluorescent lights, increase the time to 12 hours. Pinch back spent blooms to encourage the plant to bloom again. Feed every two weeks with a plant food high in phosphorus, a balanced houseplant food mixed at half strength or an African violet food.

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