Can You Grow Lavender in Zone 8?

For thousands of years, lavender has been valued for its medicinal, culinary, aromatic, and cosmetic properties. It has also always been regarded as a beautiful ornamental plant. Native to the Mediterranean, most varieties of lavender are hardy in zones 5-9. A few varieties are known to hold up in the cold of zone 4 or the heat of zone 10. In warmer climates like zone 8, lavender has an evergreen, sub-shrub habit and may bloom throughout the year. When growing lavender in zone 8, it may be necessary to cut it back every year or two to prevent it from becoming too woody with age. Cutting and pinching lavender plants promotes more blooms and tender new growth, which contain higher concentrates of the plant’s natural essential oils.

Choosing Lavender Plants for Zone 8

English lavender (Lavendula augustifolia) is one of the most commonly grown varieties of lavender and is hardy in zones 4-8. In zone 8, English lavender can struggle with the heat. Lightly shading English lavender from the afternoon sun can help it grow better. Common varieties of English lavender hardy to zone 8 are:

Munstead Hidcote Jean Davis Miss Katherine Vera Sachet

French lavender (Lavendula dentata) is hardy in zones 7-9 and handles the heat of zone 8 better. Popular French lavender varieties for zone 8 are:

Alladari Provence Goodwin Creek Gray

Spanish lavender (Lavendula stoechas) is hardy in zones 8-11. The most common Spanish lavender varieties for zone 8 are:

Kew Red Larkman Hazel Purple Ribbon

English lavender and Portuguese lavender have been crossbred to produce hardier varieties of lavenders that are commonly called Lavandins (Lavendula x intermedia). These varieties are hardy in zones 5-9. Lavandins grow well in zone 8 climates. Popular varieties of lavandins are:

Grosso Edelweiss Dutch Mill Seal

Wooly lavender (Lavendula lanata boiss) is another lavender hardy to zone 8. It prefers hot, dry climates.

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