Plants For Butterfly Migration Favorite Plants For Migrating Butterflies

Butterfly Migration Info For Gardeners It may seem like a crazy idea, but keeping weeds in gardens for butterflies is a helpful practice. Humans have destroyed so much native habitat that migratory butterflies can starve as they move to their destination. Cultivating plants for butterfly migration entices these pollinators and gives them strength for their long migration. Without fuel for their migration, butterfly populations will decline and along with them a part of our earthly diversity and health....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 330 words · Jenny Larsen

Pot Growing Morning Glory Can You Grow Morning Glory In A Container

Can You Grow Morning Glory in a Container? Since these plants can be a little wild once they get started, many people grow morning glory vines in pots to keep them contained. Not only can you grow morning glory flowers in a container, but it is recommended that you do so unless you have a large trellis or fence structure to run your plant along. Morning glories will eagerly wind their way around anything in their path and can sometimes take over other plants in your garden unless given a dedicated space....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 435 words · Catharine Warren

Regional To Do List Gardening Chores For December In The Southeast

Regional To-Do List for December Some states give up gardening for a month, others for two or three. Those in other areas, such as Florida, continue to plant and harvest, just switching to cool season crops. North Carolina, where I reside, has approximately 175 days between first and last frost dates. These may be shortened during this mild winter. Keep an eye on your local forecast and check the Almanac specifically for your area to learn of your planting window this month....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 395 words · Robert Rhodarmer

Regional To Do List November Gardening In The Northern Rockies

Gardening in November is still in full swing, even though many of our vegetables, plants, and shrubs have stopped growing. There is the inevitable raking, still some mowing of the lawn, cutting back perennials, pulling annuals and more. Getting the garden tidied up will help prevent pest and disease issues in spring. Making a Regional To-Do List for the Midwest Gardeners in the Rockies may experience cold temperatures more quickly than those on the Plains, which means much of the cleanup may already be done....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 376 words · Bonita Michael

Spanish Lavender Information Learn About Growing Spanish Lavender Plants

Spanish Lavender Information Spanish lavender, or Lavendula stoechas, is just one of about 40 varieties of this fragrant herb. It is native to the hot, dry climate of the Mediterranean region, so it thrives in warmer climates and is hardy to zone 8. Growing Spanish lavender is a good alternative to the more common English lavender if you live in a warmer climate. In appearance, Spanish lavender is similar to other varieties, growing in small shrubs that make great low hedges or bed borders....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 345 words · Richard Crowley

Spring Care Of Peonies Maintenance Requirements For Peony Plants In Spring

Peony Care in Spring In cooler climates, peonies are often protected from the cold winter by a thick heap of mulch. The first step of spring maintenance requirements for peony plants is clearing away any mulch or debris around peony shoots to allow them to soak up much needed sunlight. This is also a great time to weed around peony plants. Oftentimes, in spring weeds will come in before ornamental plants and peonies do not compete well with weeds....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 386 words · Keith Wilcox

Stopping Moss How To Prevent Moss On Plants

How to Prevent Moss Getting rid of moss is simply a matter of prevention. One of the best ways to do this is to make your landscape unattractive to moss. There are several ways to accomplish this feat. First, decrease the amount of moisture content in the area. One way to do this is by increasing drainage patterns to direct moisture elsewhere. You should also try increasing the pH level in the soil....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 392 words · Michelle Plunkett

Succulent With Droopy Leaves How To Fix Droopy Leaves On Succulent Plants

Don’t despair, these are tough plants and can usually bounce back to good health quickly. First Signs of Overly Dry Succulents One of the easiest groups of plants to grow are succulents. Wilting succulents are an expression of extreme dehydration. Droopy leaves on succulent specimens mean the soil has been dry as a bone for quite some time. These plants can tolerate long periods of drought, but they do need moisture to thrive....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 397 words · James Kurokawa

Sweet Potato Scurf Treatment How To Control Scurf On A Sweet Potato Plant

Sweet Potatoes with Scurf Sweet potato scurf is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Monilochaeles infuscans. It grows and produces spores on the sweet potato skin. This scurf only affects sweet potatoes and their close relative the morning glory, but does not affect other crops. For instance, silver scurf, caused by Helminthosporium solani, only affects potatoes. This fungal disease is also only skin deep and does not affect the edibility of sweet potatoes....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 358 words · Glenn Bagg

The Primrose Houseplant How To Grow Primrose Indoors

How to Grow Primrose Indoors The first thing to remember about your primrose houseplant is that the people who sold it to you did not expect you to keep it as a houseplant. Primroses indoors are typically thought of by the houseplant industry as a short term houseplant (much like orchids and poinsettias). They are sold with the intention of providing a few weeks of bright flowers and then discarded after the blooms have faded....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 360 words · Addie Means

Tips For Growing Cilantro In The Garden

Cilantro Seeds In cooking, cilantro seeds are called coriander. The “seeds” are actually two cilantro seeds encased in a husk. The husk is hard, round and is light brown or grey in color. Before you plant them in the ground, you need to prepare the cilantro seeds to increase the chances that they will germinate. Gently crush the seed husk holding the two seeds together. Soak the cilantro seeds in water for 24 to 48 hours....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 428 words · Ruben Camp

Treating A Sick Quince Tree Recognizing Common Quince Disease Problems

Diseases of Quince Trees Quince tree illness is usually not too serious, but most warrant some type of treatment. Pathogens can ruin harvests and weaken plants, so knowing how to treat quince tree diseases can be a valuable skill for the long-term health of your plant. These are some of the most common problems you’re likely to encounter: Fire blight. Pear growers will be familiar with fire blight. This bacterial nuisance is also a problem for quince....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 339 words · Leslie Carlson

Types Of Miticide Information On Using And Choosing A Miticide

What is Miticide? Miticides are chemical agents used to kill mites. Choosing a miticide can be a daunting task because of the number of products on the market. Read the label carefully to make sure it is safe to use on the plants you intend to treat and in the setting where you plan to use it. Begin with miticide sprays having the least toxic option. You’ll find the word “caution,” “warning,” or “danger” on every miticide label....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 401 words · Pamela Golden

Types Of Red Cactus Cactus With Red Flowers And Flesh

Red Cactus Varieties Red cactus varieties are generally grafted specimens. You can find these grafted plants in a wide spectrum of shades. While not a naturally occurring plant, the grafted species of cacti are a unique way of enjoying these easy-to-grow succulents and still have the red color you desire. Outside of grafted types, there are plenty of cacti with red flowers or fruits that will bring that cheery red hue into your sight....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 421 words · Krista Barbe

Viburnum Leaf Beetle Control Tips On Getting Rid Of Viburnum Leaf Beetles

What are Viburnum Leaf Beetles? If you’ve never heard of this insect pest, you might ask: “What are viburnum leaf beetles?”. Viburnum leaf beetles are small insects that feed on viburnum leaves. The beetles arrived fairly recently on the continent. They were first found in North America in 1947 in Canada and were not seen in the United States until 1996. Today, the pest is found in many eastern states. An adult viburnum leaf beetle is between 4....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 389 words · Ruby Spueler

Watermelon Has Black Bottom Why Is Watermelon Rotting On Bottom

Why is Watermelon Rotting on Bottom? Watermelon blossom end rot isn’t caused by a pathogen; it’s the result of fruit that lacks the correct amount of calcium to develop properly. When fruits are growing rapidly, they need lots of calcium, but it doesn’t move through the plant very well, so if it’s not available in the soil, they will be deficient. A lack of calcium ultimately causes rapidly developing cells in fruits to collapse on themselves, turning the blossom end of the watermelon into a black, leathery lesion....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 371 words · Roslyn Moffett

What Are Cowslips How To Grow Cape Cowslip Plants In The Garden

What are Cowslips? For our purposes, cowslips refer to Cape cowslip plants; members of the genus Lachenalia. Of the over 100 species, all are native to southern Africa and are related to the hyacinth. The name no doubt came about because many of the species have pale yellow blossoms. Cowslips Flower Info The genus name for Cape cowslip plants, Lachenalia, is so named for the eighteenth century Swiss botanist Wermer de Lachenal....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 405 words · Joni Argueta

What Is A Daisy Garden Learn How To Grow A Daisy Garden

What is a Daisy Garden? If you want a simple, yet extraordinary, space in your garden, try a daisy garden design. The sunny nature of daisies produces a feel-good site that is as beautiful as it is uncomplicated. Using daisies for the garden also provides a low maintenance area. The easy-to-grow perennials have few special needs and are unbothered by most pests and disease. Shasta daisies are probably what comes to mind when you think of this flower....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 341 words · Christopher Richmond

What Is A Jilo Eggplant Learn About Growing Jilo Eggplants

What is a Jilo Eggplant? Jilo is a green fruit related to both the tomato and the eggplant. Once treated as a distinct species, Solanum gilo, it is now known to be of the group Solanum aethiopicum. This deciduous shrub in the family Solanaceae has a highly branching habit and grows up to 6 ½ feet (2 m.) in height. Leaves are alternate with smooth or lobed margins and can get up to a foot (31 cm....

December 16, 2022 · 3 min · 435 words · Daniel Conorich

What Is A Living Centerpiece Incorporating Houseplants As A Centerpiece

How to Grow a Living Centerpiece Growing a centerpiece is not all that difficult. It just requires a little time and creativity. There are many living centerpiece plants that you can use as well. Your imagination is the limit! Here are a couple ideas to get you started. Living Centerpieces with Potted Plants One way to create a beautiful living centerpiece is by embellishing terra cotta pots and slipping your houseplants inside or planting directly in the pot....

December 16, 2022 · 2 min · 417 words · Karey Durden